Mother and child

Chiropractic around pregnancy and birth

Chiropractic and sports therapy for pregnant women, babies and children

When a baby is on the way, life changes completely. Pregnancy also means a major physical change: posture changes, ligaments and joints loosen, the bony pelvis widens. We take away the pain and prepare you gently for the birth. With chiropractic and sports therapy, we release blockages, improve the neurophysiological function of the nervous system and optimize the mobility and alignment of the pelvic region. In this way, we create the best conditions for your child to find the right birth position. We are also there for you and your babies after the birth. So that you have a good start together. Our chiropractors are experts in the gentle chiropractic treatment of pregnant women, newborns and infants. Talk to us!

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We accompany your pregnancy and the time after birth - for a successful start of mother and child

	Chirotherapy and sports therapy for pregnant women, babies and children at ChiroHouse Berlin

Kinesiotaping Pregnancy Chiropractic Chirohouse Berlin

Our team for mother and child

Portrait of chiropractor Mai Britt.

German language at ChiroHouse Berlin English Language at ChiroHouse Berlin French language at ChiroHouse Berlin




Chirohouse Chiropractic Berlin - chiropractic, chiropractors, chirotherapists, innovative therapy, prevention, pregnant women, babies, children - Mélanie Desbarats Chiropractor at Chirohouse Berlin

German language at ChiroHouse Berlin English Language at ChiroHouse Berlin French language at ChiroHouse Berlin




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