Farewell to Lucie Boysen

Farewell to Lucie Boysen

Published on February 20, 2024 | Team

Chirohouse Chiropraktik Berlin - Chiropractic practice, chiropractors, chiropractic therapists, innovative therapy, prevention, training - sports therapy with Lucie Boysen. Qualified sports therapist. Expert in coordination training and stability exercises for pregnant women and children. Preventive. Sustainable.

Chirohouse Chiropraktik Berlin - chiropractic practice, chiropractors, chiropractic therapists, innovative therapy, prevention, training - training. Our chiropractors are experts in gentle chiropractic treatments for pregnant women, babies, toddlers and children.Chirohouse Chiropractic Berlin - chiropractic, chiropractors, chirotherapists, innovative therapy, prevention, training - Training with Lucie - chiropractor, chiropractor in our team.

With deep gratitude we say goodbye to Lucie Boysen from ChiroHouse

Dear patient:inside,

We would like to say goodbye to our dear colleague and valued sports therapist Lucie Boysen. She has decided to pass on her experience and knowledge in a non-profit treatment institution.

The ÜBERLEBEN Center is a place where people from around 50 countries receive support on their path to rehabilitation and integration through therapeutic, medical and social-integrative assistance. Many of them are survivors of torture and war violence. In cooperation with the Charité's psychiatric and psychotherapeutic clinic, the ZÜ day clinic treats refugees with severe trauma sequelae. In addition to psychotherapeutic treatment, they receive a multimodal offer of sports, music, art and dance therapy.

We will miss Lucie's expertise and her open manner. Her dedication to providing women with the best possible care during and after pregnancy inspired us. She did a great job as a sports therapist and will leave a gap in the ChiroHouse.

We wish Lucie all the best and look forward to bringing you fantastic news in the areas of therapy, training and regeneration soon.

If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

With warm regards,

Your ChiroHouse

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