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News from the ChiroHouse

Here you will find news and information about the ChiroHouse, our staff and and courses.

June 18, 2024

Our Berlin Movement Lab opens in Prenzlauer Berg on July 1

From 01.07.2024 the Berlin Movement Lab opens in Prenzlauer Berg! On 350 square meters we offer innovative therapies, handstand courses, strength & conditioning, mobility training and training on rings. Individual sports therapy complements chiropractic treatments.

February 20, 2024

Farewell to Lucie Boysen

It is with gratitude that we say goodbye to Lucie Boysen from ChiroHouse. Her dedication and professional competence characterized a time full of empathetic patient care in our practice. We consider ourselves lucky to have had her as part of our team...

September 19, 2023

Keep moving with the ChiroHouse YouTube channel

Additional exercises and information are now available on the ChiroHouse YouTube channel. The videos are a valuable addition to our extensive range of services at ChiroHouse.

August 03, 2023

Osteopathy at ChiroHouse - New therapy offers from July 2023!

As of July 2023, we are expanding our services at ChiroHouse to include osteopathy! Our experienced sports therapist Boj Boysen with a focus on sports and exercise therapy assists with back and neck pain as well as sports injuries.

03 July 2023

Why our breathing is so important

Breathing is vital and influences our body. The diaphragm and the respiratory muscles play a crucial role. Conscious control of breathing can achieve various effects and influence health ...

June 12, 2023

The right tension does the trick! Learn how to effectively treat rectus diastasis

Treat rectus diastasis effectively! Learn how to effectively strengthen your abdominal muscles and relieve discomfort. Schedule an exam and receive a personalized training program with our sports therapist, Lucie Boysen.

02 June 2023

Farewell to our esteemed chiropractors Marte Hetlevik-Simonsen and Arne Simonsen.

It is with heavy hearts that we announce the departure of our esteemed chiropractors Marte Hetlevik-Simonsen and Arne Simonsen. Their time with us was marked by dedication, expertise and compassionate patient care. A tribute to their outstanding time with us....

March 15, 2023

To stretch or not to stretch?

Find out which type of stretching is suitable for you: Static, Dynamic or PNF? Whether before/after exercise, decide individually. Adapt the exercises, pay attention to breathing and combine with other mobility exercises for optimal results. ...

25 April 2022

Biomechanics & Morphology Seminar in France - Paris and Toulouse

Chiropractor and ChiroHouse practice founder Joan Montserrat is holding several seminars on biomechanics and morphology in France, Paris and Toulouse in June 2022. ...

24 January 2022

Sneakers or high heels for the pelvic floor?

Can the position of the foot influence the pelvic floor muscles? Sounds strange at first, but it is exactly the case. Researchers have taken a closer look at this interesting connection in women ...

23 September 2021

More than "just" headaches

The International Headache Society1 lists over 100 different headache variants in its register. These differ in cause, type, severity, duration and symptoms. More than 90% of patients are affected by primary headaches, for example tension headaches ...

10 June 2021

Suspected tennis elbow - When does diagnostic imaging help?

In addition to tennis elbow, a variety of conditions can lead to pain at the outer elbow. A detailed anamnesis and examination of the elbow usually make it possible to identify the potential causes (differential diagnoses) on the basis of significant symptoms and findings. …

08 June 2021

Diagnosis of tennis elbow - therapy options

According to the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care, about 2% of the population suffer from tennis elbow. Within one year, about 80 % of patients are free of symptoms. If the clinical examination clearly points to tennis elbow, a conservative manual treatment should be ...

20 May 2021

Painful elbow is not always tennis elbow

Even the medical term for tennis elbow is difficult to find; many synonyms are used, but by definition most of them are not fully accurate. Histological studies have shown that it is not inflammatory (tendinitis) but ...

26 April 2021

Yoga and sports therapy help against chronic low back pain

Yoga is not only fun. Millions of yogis practise yoga to combat stress, depression, migraines, sleep, blood pressure, joint and muscle problems. Yoga is also popular against back pain. The smallest movements first get the spine moving again. …

30 March 2021

Chiropractic helps effectively against headaches

Not all headaches are the same. Experts distinguish between cervical headache, migraine and tension headache, for example. Cervical headache usually starts on one side at the back of the head and moves forward, often accompanied by shoulder or arm pain ...

15 March 2021

Back Health Day

Everyone knows it, everyone hates it: back pain is annoying and widespread. 85 percent of people in this country have back pain at least once in their lives. Mostly it is in the loin, but neck pain in the upper back is also widespread ...

11 March 2021

Otto Boysen at the ChiroHouse

For Boysen, innovative therapy means that on the one hand there is the detailed analysis of complex anatomical structures and their biomechanical functions, based on the therapist's expertise. On the other hand ...

19 February 2021

Cold aid for refugees at the EU external border

We support social projects on a monthly basis: In the month of March, ChiroHouse makes a donation to the cold aid for refugees at the EU's external border.

17 February 2021

Even if everything is a little different at the moment due to Corona - these days traditionally mark the beginning of Lent. Fasting means voluntarily abstaining from food for a few days, eating only juice and vegetable broth, cleansing body and mind and getting rid of a few annoying pounds.

12 February 2021

All spines are welcome!

With this logo we want to emphasise that our practice is open to all. Regardless of sexual orientation, migration background, gender, class or origin - all are welcome and understood as equal.

29 January 2021

Back pain study JAMA

Every second adult has back pain from time to time or constantly in the course of their life. Therapies such as painkillers, medication for muscle relaxation, sport, physiotherapy or heat packs only help some of those affected.

24 December 2020

An eventful year marked by changes is drawing to a close. Corona and the move to the new practice has challenged us and ...

17 November 2020

For Simonsen, innovative therapy means that the focus of the treatment is on the patient's entire life situation instead of just the acute symptoms - thus, together with the patient, an active and adaptive treatment plan ...

20 October 2020

Gossow believes that innovative therapies in the Chirohouse can be a guide, support or home base. Also as a contact point for fine-tuning or for ...

06 October 2020

Marte Hetlevik-Simonsen at ChiroHouse

For Hetlevik-Simonsen, innovative therapy means continuously improving therapy concepts. We look at the whole body as one unit and find a solution that ...

18 September 2020

Therapists explain the ChiroHouse - Joan Montserrat

With the ChiroHouse, Montserrat has created a space where specialists based on science, clinical experience and ...

24 June 2020

Growth: New chiropractor from July 2020 at ChiroHouse Berlin

We warmly welcome Arne Simonsen to ChiroHouse from July 2020.

10 June 2020

Book appointments online now!

From now on you can make an online chiropractor appointment with us at the ChiroHouse.

15 May 2020

The ChiroHouse moves

From 02.06.2020 we welcome you to our new, beautiful practice rooms in Steinstr. 37, 10119 Berlin-Mitte.

10 July 2018


Contents DN is the use of solid filament needles inserted through the skin and into the muscle to release painful myofascial trigger points. Dry needling results in the deepest tissue release allowing for improvements in movement and pain. Chiropractor Berlin Course objectives Upon completion of the ...

Experiences & Reviews of Chirohouse  
On July 1, we will open our new Berlin Movement Lab location in Prenzlauer Berg. Learn more