Otto Boysen at the ChiroHouse

Otto Boysen at the ChiroHouse

Published 11 March 2021 | Team

Three words have a special meaning at the Chirohouse: innovative therapy, health and movement. Our therapists explain why they are so important and at the same time give an insight into the concept of the Chirohouse.

Otto Boysen // Sports Therapy and Prevention

"Innovative therapy" On the one hand, the detailed analysis of complex anatomical structures and their biomechanical functions, based on the specialist knowledge of the therapist. On the other hand, the multidisciplinary treatment options in which the active participation of the patient from anamnesis to therapy planning and goal setting is always at the centre.

"Health": Health is a state of mental, psychological and physical balance.

"Movement": If standing still is the opposite of health, movement is life.

Experiences & Reviews of Chirohouse  
On July 1, we will open our new Berlin Movement Lab location in Prenzlauer Berg. Learn more